
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ban Britney

While it turns my stomach to cheapen my pretty little blog in any way by even bringing it up; I feel I've got to be blunt and open when I see the very name of music besmirched through association with worthlessness. That said, let me explain my rant. The other day I heard a few words that sent a chill up my spine. I will not vouch for the veracity of what I heard if I heard it correctly at all. These frightful words were, "Britney's back in the studio." It could be a fear of mine manifesting itself in some kind of auditory trickery-- but I do believe this is a situation that will raise its ugly head inevitably. So, what's our plan of action? Surely there has been enough boiled up resentment from those of us who feel that there's absolutely no justification for mass obsession with a person who has nothing to offer, that it wouldn't matter where she was or what she was doing. She doesn't act, write, model, advocate, or even really sing. The behavior of an immature, unbalanced media machine should not consume such a large portion of the population when there are so many other issues to be paid attention. It's as if the country needs a good smack across the face. There's nothing to see here-- let's move it along. Since her unfortunate peak of popularity, music in general has improved by leaps and bounds, yet she hangs around like a chronic rash derived from a slip in judgement. There should be some standards in the media besides sales figures regarding what it takes to get that kind of attention. Ever tried punching the buttons on a vending machine in hopes of scoring some Doritos without putting in any money? Yeah-- nothing happens. The consumer should think enough of themselves that they would not insult their intelligence by wasting time reading (or listening to) about what she's shaved this time and as a result the media would be pushed into finding subjects more worthy of publication. If it were a matter of unbridled talent mixed with substance-influenced whim-- surely exceptions have been made, but when there is so little talent that she's actually in the red...step over the pile of dog crap and keep walking. So, let's prepare for the worst, clear out the muck, and turn our fascinations elsewhere. Please.

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