
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ringo's Got a New Album...(We'll see how this goes).

I'm sure that being a member of the Beatles was both a blessing and a curse. Few people can or are willing to deny their contributions as well as their worth in the in music and culture. It's probably pretty great to have lived through such a significant movement but at the same time it sets the bar that much higher. Nothing but the best is expected. Surely any one of those four guys are/were capable of producing extraordinary musical creations so my big question is this: what in the name of all things good and holy happened with Paul McCartney's "Dance Tonight?" I don't get it. It wasn't retro and simplistic for the beauty or art of it, it was just a lazy mess of self indulgence. I couldn't bare to potentially waste my money on the rest of the album which was mysteriously heralded as some kind of plastic-encased disc of glory. Now that I've heard that good old Ringo has concocted his 15th solo album entitled Liverpool 8, I can only fear a similar fate. It's true that McCartney has always been more inclined toward sappy ballads and such but who is to say what mood Ringo was in while recording.

In any case, Starr's latest was released yesterday. The single also called "Liverpool 8" is (according to a Rolling Stone article) something of a "musical autobiography." Isn't that a tad in the vain of the whole Memory Almost Full concept? It's like they're reaching the point where there's nothing to do but look back. Geeze. To quote Monty Python and the Holy Grail-- they're not dead yet! Apparently messages of love and peace are prevalent throughout the album. I guess that's fine, not exactly ground breaking but I suppose he's got to sing about something.

I hope my worry is misplaced. I haven't heard any of it yet so there's always the chance that it rocks and I'll gladly say so. Cross your fingers.

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