
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dance Floor : The Apples in Stereo

I've never really listened to The Apples in Stereo, so the primary reason I'm posting is because Elijah Wood is in their latest video, "Dance Floor." Lord of the Rings aside (or maybe not), Wood has a record of picking off beat projects to be a part of, so when NPR blogged that he was in this music video, I figured it was worth watching.

Wood plays a middle school science department chair who messes around with a time machine of sorts, only to get sucked into an Apples in Stereo performance. He looks so wonderfully confused and out of place, I'd totally buy he was a stiff, mid level academic were it not for the fact that he's, well, Elijah Wood.

The song's not bad either. Actually, it's quite addicting. "Dance Floor" is off their upcoming album Travelers in Space and Time (anybody else getting a theme here?). Give it a world.

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